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How Digital Accessibility Still Needs Improving For The Elderly
As we become more focused on digital experiences, there is still a lack of understanding of how this affects the elderly. Oak Tree Mobility discuss the improvements needed to be fully inclusive in a digital age.
17 Feb, 25
Health and Wellbeing
Mobility Aids: The Key to Unlocking Independence in Seniors
Whether you or your family members are struggling with mobility, Oak Tree Mobility discuss how specific aids can support keeping your independence and increasing your confidence in the home.
14 Feb, 25
Health and Wellbeing
Which Age Group Needs The Most Sleep And Why?
Most of us know the importance of sleep for children, but what about when we’re grown? Oak Tree Mobility's sleep expert, Dr Nerina, explores which age group needs the most sleep.
11 Feb, 25
Health and Wellbeing
Our Authors
Kai Anders is a social media specialist, passionate about sharing information on topics relating to healthcare, mobility and accessibility.
Award winning Occupational Therapist, Director of The OT Services and President of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists
Dr Nerina Ramlakhan is a neurophysiologist with a specialism in lifestyle interventions for the alleviation of mental disorders and sleep issues.
Emily Carhan is a writer exploring topics of accessibility, mobility and lifestyle.