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What To Do During the Day to Prepare for a Better Night's Sleep
We all know how important sleep is, yet many of us don’t make the preparations in the day to get a good night's rest. Dr Nerina shares her tips for hitting the hay.
26 Mar, 25
Health and Wellbeing
How To Choose The Right Pillow For Seniors
Your pillow is as important as your mattress for ensuring quality sleep, but how do you know what to choose? Let us guide you through the need-to-knows.
24 Mar, 25
Health and Wellbeing
Benefits Of A Book Stand For Reading In Bed
Whether you prefer to read a Kindle, tablet or a classic book, a stand can make this activity far easier and take the strain off your eyes, wrists and neck. Oak Tree Mobility explains.
21 Mar, 25
Health and Wellbeing
Our Authors
Kai Anders is a social media specialist, passionate about sharing information on topics relating to healthcare, mobility and accessibility.
Award winning Occupational Therapist, Director of The OT Services and President of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists
Dr Nerina Ramlakhan is a neurophysiologist with a specialism in lifestyle interventions for the alleviation of mental disorders and sleep issues.
Emily Carhan is a writer exploring topics of accessibility, mobility and lifestyle.